

Members, Trust Board and Committees

All three Academy Trusts in the Diocese of Lancaster have the same three members at the top of the organisation:

Bishop Paul Swarbrick, Father Michael Docherty, Canon Peter Hart.

The Mater Christi Board is made up of nine volunteer Directors, appointed by the Bishop. They meet as a Trust Board and in four committees:

  • Standards and Intervention
  • Finance, Staffing and Audit
  • Vision and Development
  • Growth

Each of the schools in our Academy Trust has a Local Governing Body made up of volunteer Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop, as well as two parents, a staff member and the Headteacher.

Mater Christi Directors

The Trust has 9 Catholic Directors

Name Committee Occupation Profile Summary
Mr John Murray (Chair) Standards and Intervention Headteacher (Retired), The Catholic High School, Chester Mr. Murray led a secondary school for over 15 years and helped set up a Multi Academy Trust. He has also served as a Governor and Chair of a hospital school. An active member of the Mountain Rescue Team in Cumbria and a recently elected local councillor for Westmorland and Furness.
Mrs Ann Marie Pinguey (Vice Chair) Finance and Staffing, Audit Management Accountant, Finance Manager – Tullie House Museum, Carlisle Mrs. Pinguey is an experienced management accountant who has worked in various sectors, including education. She has four years of experience as a school bursar and recent experience working for an Academy Trust.
Rev Luiz Ruscillo Development and Ethos Catholic Priest, Diocese of Lancaster Fr. Ruscillo has served as a Parish Priest for 30 years in the Diocese of Lancaster and has held positions in the Diocese’s Education Service, working extensively with primary and secondary schools.
Mrs Bernadette Barnes Standards and Intervention Headteacher (Retired), Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Barrow Mrs. Barnes was the headteacher for 9 years and worked in various roles at Sacred Heart for 26 years.
Paul Douglas Lovell Development and Ethos School Buildings Surveyor, Diocese of Lancaster Mr. Lovell oversees school estates and trustees' interests in the Diocese of Lancaster. He also has experience in Finance, Premises, HR, and H&S and serves as a primary school governor.
Professor Keith Hanley Development and Ethos Professor Emeritus at Lancaster University Prof. Hanley founded the Wordsworth Centre and has held posts at several universities, including Notre Dame, Indiana. He has been a member of the executive board of the American organisation, INCS.
Councillor Elizabeth Mallinson Finance and Staffing, Audit Local Councillor, Carlisle Cllr. Mallinson has been a local councillor for many years, serving in key roles, including Chair of Cumbria County Council and Cabinet Member for Organisational Development. She is a champion for children in care.
Dr. Andy Johnson Standards and Intervention Former County Councillor for Education Dr. Johnson has 37 years of experience in education, including roles as Director of Children’s Services, an HMI with Ofsted, and a headteacher. He is also the Chair of the Diocese Building Committee.
Simon Clarkson Finance, Staffing and Audit Counter Fraud Specialist Mr. Clarkson has had a long career in fraud and crime management, including work as a police officer and involvement in national crime initiatives. He has expertise in risk management and equal opportunities.
Joan Hadley TBC TBC TBC

Governance Documents

Directors’ Business Interests
Governance Information
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